Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Stand Tall!

As I watched one of my petite dancers minister during our praise and worship service one evening the Holy Spirit spoke to me and said . . . "You may not be able to change your physical stature but you can increase your stature and presence in the Spirit Realm."  That very statement became the inspiration for this week's blog post.

As I contemplated that statement and begin to think about not only the dancer that I was observing, but myself as well, it became very clear to me what the Spirit of God was trying to reveal.

Personally I'm a petite dancer in size and height; however I've been told at times, by those who have witnessed my ministry, that I GROW in the Spirit, while I minister. I appear to be taller and have a longer reach then I do to the natural eye.

I began to contemplate this concept. And it became very clear to me, that when you have an understanding of who you are in God and how He flows through you in the use of your gift, it does not matter how "big" you are, you will make insurmountable waves in the Spirit Realm, because God is at the center of what you are doing and you have an awareness and knowledge of His presence and His had upon your life in that moment.

As a minister of the arts, no matter the form - - music, song, dance, painting, drama, etc. - - you have to know that God uses your gift in a very unique way to impact His people.  You have to know that God has anointed you to be able to deliver a very specific message through the art form that He has graced you with the talent to deliver. Once you've settled these very important facts in within yourself, it will allow you to grow in the Spirit Realm and have a much larger impact then you could ever imagine.

I will give you this example . . . have you ever seen someone who at first seems very shy and introverted walk up to a mic stand to sing a solo? But when they open their mouths to release the song that is deep down on the inside of them you are almost knocked out of your seat, because of the anointing and the fact that you were not expecting something so "grand" to come out of someone so "small". Well that same impact can be true for you and your gift, when you are confident in the One who gave you the gift and how He operates through you when you surrender it to Him.

So I just encourage you this week to STAND TALL in your gift and under the anointing that the Father has placed on your life for the impact of His people.  There is no greater joy that I get than to be able to be in a position surrendered to God's use. The more you surrender your gift, God will reveal to you how He specifically uses you to impact the world. Know that "every joint supplies" and you and your gift are needed for a Kingdom work.

Thursday, August 20, 2015


". . . I chose you, forever I'll choose you still . . . 
cause I love you, I promise I always will"

There is just something about being chosen! When someone expresses to us or notifies us that we've been chosen for a particular assignment or opportunity there is a sense of acceptance, worth, and belonging that comes over us. If we are honest with ourselves . . . we all just want to be chosen.

As I listened to "Promise I Always Will" by Steffany Gretzinger, the lyrics at the top of this post pierced my ear and my heart.  When I began to reflect on and imagine God saying this to me directly . . . . I was completely overwhelmed and overtaken by worship! I dare you for just 5 seconds to imagine . . . the God of all creation speaking to you directly and saying . . . I CHOSE YOU, forever, I'll CHOOSE YOU still. 

Well . . . If you didn't already know, I'm here to tell you . . . that's exactly what God says about YOU! Yes, YOU!!! It doesn't matter what you've done, what you feel like you failed at, or what areas you may still be falling short in.

God loves you with an unimaginable unconditional love that's hard for us to even imagine. Don't believe me . . . well . . . Galatians 1:15 (NLT) says that "before I was born, God chose me and called me by his marvelous grace." The Word also tells us that "many are called, but few are chosen" (Matthew 22:14). There is something about being called and chosen! It is a wonderful place to be in God to not only be called but also to be CHOSEN by Him.

Now I know that for someone reading this the enemy will try to tell you that what I've pointed out is great, but it doesn't pertain to you, because of whatever you've done in your life that you feel wasn't pleasing to God.  But let me expose the enemy's lie right now . . . the Word of God says in Psalms 139:
You made all the delicate, inner parts of my body and knit me together in my mother's womb. Thank you for making me so wonderfully complex! Your workmanship is marvelous - how well I know it. You watched me as I was being formed in utter seclusion, as I was woven together in the dark of the womb. You saw me before I was born. Every day of my life was recorded in your book. Every moment was laid out before a single day had passed. How precious are your thoughts about me, O God. They cannot be numbered! I can't even count them; they outnumber the grains of sand! And when I wake up, you are still with me!
God knew how every day of your life would play out before you were even born. He knows every intricate detail of your personality and He still has precious thoughts towards you. It doesn't matter what your past holds, God is still with you; therefore, your past can no longer hold you!

I pray that this post today gives you the bit of encouragement and the sense of belonging and acceptance that you needed to keep pressing forward in your life and in your journey with God.  Life can be overwhelming at times with all the things that are required of us, but know that God loves us enough to give us relief and overflow our lives with His goodness at any moment.   Don't give up!!

God says to you today . . . 
"I chose you, forever I'll choose you still. Cause I love you, I promise I always will."

Friday, August 14, 2015

The Daily Battle

When you are a child of God, you have to know where it is most effective for you to fight.  The word of God tells us that . . . "we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places".  Know that the fight that we must engage in, as children of the Most High God, is in the Spirit and not in the natural.  Know that God is your righteous judge.  He is your peace, your protector, your voice, your covering, your weapon against everything that would attempt to come against you.  

Yes! We all face challenges, situations, and circumstances that we could give the side-eye to and tell the devil . . . "Oooh . . you tried it!" But in those moments we have to know that we are not fighting against our family, friends, jobs, finances, or anything else that might be going haywire.  We have to recognize that this is SPIRITUAL WARFARE. We have to put on the full amour of God and press forward into the battle, without fear. We cannot let the enemy push us into having a flesh reaction to a spiritual incident.  We have to mount up and take our positions in the spirit and remind the enemy that he is already defeated.

If you are a born-again believer of the Lord Jesus Christ and you are filled with the Holy Spirit, know that God has fully equipped you for the spiritual battle that you have to face.  The word of God describes the Holy Spirit as a "Comforter, Counselor, Helper, Intercessor, Advocate, Strengthener, and Standby". I don't know about you, but that seems to me that God made sure that we would have help in any and every situation.  And if it so happens that there is something that we don't think we can handle . . . . God said that the Holy Spirit could be a Standby . . . that the Holy Spirit will stand in our place and fight for us!!  The Holy Spirit is out tag-team partner in this spiritual battle. How amazing it that?!

"But you belong to God, my dear children. You have already won a victory over those people, because the Spirit who lives in you is greater than the spirit who lives in the world." 
(1 John 4:4 NLT)

So let me ask you a question . . . Are you a Child of God? If you answered yes . . . the above promise from God's word is for you! You have to KNOW that you have already won the victory.  

Now . . . go back and read the scripture again and replace "those people" with whatever situation you are facing and let that settle in your spirit.  Let it settle in your spirit that you have already won the victory over . . . sickness, debt, lack, low self-esteem, brokenness, drug abuse, alcoholism, fornication, lying . . . whatever "it" is! I don't care what it looks like or feels like right now, God has already given you the victory over that situation. The only thing that you have to do now is listen to the voice of God and be obedient to His instructions.  He will lead you right into your victory party!

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

God said wait . . . .

So, God said . . . 

Now what?

Sometimes in this walk with God He tells us to wait. We often feel in that moment like that "loading circle" that's constantly revolving and we anticipate the moment when the period of waiting is over. We often shift our focus and expectations to the end of the waiting period, instead of seeking God about the reason why He told us to wait in the first place.

In my own seasons of waiting on God, I have come to understand that the "waiting" is most often not about the length of time, but it is purposeful for what God wants to get accomplished in our lives. For some of us it may be hard to come to the conclusion that we are still works in progress that are being perfected for God's use, but if we can ever settle this fact in our spirits, hearts, and minds then we will be better equipped to endure through the waiting periods.

God's waiting periods are always strategic.  When He gives us the command to wait, it is likely because there is something that He has to work in us to be ready for the next step or level in our journey with Him.  Maybe there are still some of our own selfish ways that He must work out of us, before we are ready to walk in the next level of anointing that He desires to place on our lives. Often there is some fine tuning that is required so that our ability to hear and trust Him is increased, before He gives the next instruction. Sometimes the greater purpose is for us to have a much needed period where we slow down and are purposeful about being in God's presence to deepen our relationships with Him.

Noticed I called this period of waiting a command.  When God says to wait, it isn't an option.  He isn't giving us the option to wait or to move forward. God's instructions for us to wait can also be associated with our protection. Maybe there is a direction that we thought we were being lead by God to take and it is really a trap set by the enemy to take our very lives. However, when we are obedient to the voice of God and the leading of the Holy Spirit, we can avoid such pitfalls and have victory in every area of our lives.

I hope that this post encourages you to trust God not only for His promises, but also for the timing of those promises in your life.  If God said to WAIT, know it has a purpose and you will still get to the expected end and all the promises that God has spoken over your life, exactly when He desires for them to manifest for you.

Friday, April 17, 2015

I Can't See . . .

So here goes a real honest moment . . . . 

In this walk with God there are moments where I feel like, I can't see.  I can't see the path that God is taking me on and the directions that I'm given . . . well sometimes, they don't even make sense in the natural.  Fortunately for me, I've had enough experiences with God to know . . . that's exactly how He desires our relationship with Him to be.  

God does not like to be predictable in our lives.  He wants us to constantly be in a place of trusting Him.  He wants us to trust Him, even when we cannot see.  And as we progress and mature in our relationship with God, the level of trust and the things that God will require us to surrender to Him will change and even, at times, be more of a challenge.

There have been times in this walk with God that I've found myself having to surrender to God's will at the expense of my own desires and thoughts about what is "good" for me.  I've found myself having to prove through my desires, decisions, and actions in life that I truly trust God and the leading of the Holy Spirit in my life, even when it doesn't make sense in the natural. I've had to challenge myself to prove that at the end of the day, above all else . . . I trust God's leading in my life. I have to trust that God will guide me in the direction of what's not only "good" for my life, but what's "great, exceptional, and abundantly blessed" for my life.  I have to trust that God will work all things for my good, including even those things that are a challenge for me to give up or walk away from.  I have to trust God even if, at the onset, what I can see in the natural is completely opposite of looking like it is working for my good.

Spiritual growth and maturity is not an easy process, but it is necessary if we truly desire to deepen our relationship with God.  In this type of season, it will require more and more of a dying to one's self (i.e. desires, thoughts, feelings, etc.) in order to progress forward.  As we take this journey, the growth and maturity that we experience in our private lives will begin to spillover into our external ministries. Remember that with every step, God is with you and He will never leave you or lead you astray.  God has your back and knows where the path is that leads to your future. When it is all said and done . . . JUST TRUST GOD!

Monday, February 9, 2015

In the Mirror

Begin to love who you are and have confidence in whose you are. ~ RDP

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In light of Valentine's Day approaching this week, I thought it was a great opportunity to release this post that the Lord inspired me to write.  

Valentine's Day, for most people, is a day that they look to those around them to validate them and prove their love for them by the giving of gifts, the spending of quality time, and even the expressing of grand gestures to profess their affections.  And unfortunately, when we place so much of the responsibility for our happiness and validation on other people, they have the tendency to disappoint us.  Why is this you might ask . . . it's because they are human.

The objective of this post isn't to focus on the disappointment, but to challenge you to redirect the expectation that other people are responsible for making you happy.  There comes a point where you have to look at your reflection in the mirror and decide that you are going to be happy -- "point, blank, and the period".

I've come to understand that happiness is a personal choice.  It doesn't matter what challenges you face, what situations you may be in the midst of, or even what you might be lacking during this season of your life.  Your personal happiness should be rooted in and be an extension of the joy that the Lord provides.  When you chose to receive the joy of the Lord, there is a peace that comes along with this free gift.

Your true happiness comes from being able to look in the mirror and accept yourself for who you are, understand that you are on a constant road to being perfected by God, and know that above all else God loves you. Take the time to reflect and ask God to help you see the beauty, love, joy, and all-around awesomeness that He created on the inside of you.  Let that inner deposit begin to shine through to that reflection in the mirror and take back the control over your level of happiness. Begin to walk confidently in the knowledge that you are God's own. Remember that He made the grandest gesture imaginable to show forth His love for you . . . He gave you the life of His only Son.

Saturday, January 3, 2015

Shedding the Old, Embracing the New

At the beginning of a new year, we all have likely fallen into the mindset of embracing fresh starts. We look in anticipation towards midnight hoping that it will bring the promise of dreams come true.

Many people set resolutions and goals for the start of a new year. These goals can range from losing weight, launching a business, starting a new career, saving to purchase a home . . . and the list goes on.

As I began to think and reflect on what God would have me to accomplish or focus on in 2015, I heard the Spirit of God say …

"I need more of you."

I must admit, I was taken aback a little at this request.  Not because of the implied sacrifices that it would require from me, but because I knew that if God was asking me to surrender more of myself, He was also willing to pour more of Himself into me.

As I've continued to reflect on this request from the Father, I look forward to each new day with great anticipation of what God has in mind.  I look forward to His leading and His direction on what should be accomplished for that day. As I'm faithful to give God more of me, I stand in overwhelming expectation of God's outpouring of His Spirit and His glory in my life.

Being in this place of surrendering more of myself is not unfamiliar. I've noticed that during periods of transition in my life, God has often pulled me closer to Him. In this place, where God nudges my spirit to have more intimate moments with Him, I've often experienced maturity and revelation.  I've also always experienced growth from the inside out. This type of growth cannot always be seen with the naked eye, but I know that it is happening beneath the surface. 

When you grow from the inside out, the outward evidence will soon not be able to be denied. Why is that you might ask . . . because what you are carrying on the inside will no longer fit the outer exterior. As you grow from the inside out, all of the external situations and challenges and even your countenance will change. God will begin to beam through your pores and your life will be changed forever.

If you think you know what 2015 might hold for you or if you are still trying to figure it out, I want to encourage you with this post to surrender more of yourself to God. 

Make the investment in your relationship with God, spending more time drawing closer to Him. I promise that you won't regret the time you spend in His presence and that your life will never be the same.