Friday, August 14, 2015

The Daily Battle

When you are a child of God, you have to know where it is most effective for you to fight.  The word of God tells us that . . . "we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places".  Know that the fight that we must engage in, as children of the Most High God, is in the Spirit and not in the natural.  Know that God is your righteous judge.  He is your peace, your protector, your voice, your covering, your weapon against everything that would attempt to come against you.  

Yes! We all face challenges, situations, and circumstances that we could give the side-eye to and tell the devil . . . "Oooh . . you tried it!" But in those moments we have to know that we are not fighting against our family, friends, jobs, finances, or anything else that might be going haywire.  We have to recognize that this is SPIRITUAL WARFARE. We have to put on the full amour of God and press forward into the battle, without fear. We cannot let the enemy push us into having a flesh reaction to a spiritual incident.  We have to mount up and take our positions in the spirit and remind the enemy that he is already defeated.

If you are a born-again believer of the Lord Jesus Christ and you are filled with the Holy Spirit, know that God has fully equipped you for the spiritual battle that you have to face.  The word of God describes the Holy Spirit as a "Comforter, Counselor, Helper, Intercessor, Advocate, Strengthener, and Standby". I don't know about you, but that seems to me that God made sure that we would have help in any and every situation.  And if it so happens that there is something that we don't think we can handle . . . . God said that the Holy Spirit could be a Standby . . . that the Holy Spirit will stand in our place and fight for us!!  The Holy Spirit is out tag-team partner in this spiritual battle. How amazing it that?!

"But you belong to God, my dear children. You have already won a victory over those people, because the Spirit who lives in you is greater than the spirit who lives in the world." 
(1 John 4:4 NLT)

So let me ask you a question . . . Are you a Child of God? If you answered yes . . . the above promise from God's word is for you! You have to KNOW that you have already won the victory.  

Now . . . go back and read the scripture again and replace "those people" with whatever situation you are facing and let that settle in your spirit.  Let it settle in your spirit that you have already won the victory over . . . sickness, debt, lack, low self-esteem, brokenness, drug abuse, alcoholism, fornication, lying . . . whatever "it" is! I don't care what it looks like or feels like right now, God has already given you the victory over that situation. The only thing that you have to do now is listen to the voice of God and be obedient to His instructions.  He will lead you right into your victory party!


  1. Replies
    1. Truly . . . Glory to God! Thank you for reading.

  2. Amazing, Rasheeda! Thanks for sharing! The reminders in this blog made me smile! And I loved the part at the end where we replaced people with whatever it is in this world that we're up against! Keep letting the Lord use you!

    1. Glory to God!! As He speaks I will write. Blessings to you!
