Tuesday, October 7, 2014

But . . . . They Hurt Me!

Psalm 34:18 NLT
If  you live long enough, you are assured to experience some sort of hurt in your lifetime. When we start to discuss hurt, most of us tend to turn our thoughts towards the hurt that we've experienced in a romantic relationship. But that's not the only hurt that we experience. . .

At the root of it all, we are human and we constantly interact with other humans who may disappoint us, reject us, offend us, not deliver on their promises, not stand up for us and defend us, not support our dreams, not comfort us in our darkest hours . . . . etc. This list could go on forever, but at the center of it all we just want to be LOVED!  And we want to be loved for who we are at our core, and not for who others think we should be or for what we have the potential to do.

So . . . . what happens when we are hurt? What happens when we are hurt by our family, friends, significant others, or even our brothers and sisters in Christ? For many of us we withdraw from those that hurt us and build walls to "protect" us from ever having to feel that level of hurt again. For others, we put on masks so that we can go out into the world and "function". We find ourselves hiding behind the masks of fake smiles and laughs while on the inside . . . . there is nothing but constant turmoil.

But what would happen if we stopped hiding?

I want to encourage you, and challenge you a little as well, to take off the masks and open up your spirit to allow God to heal your hurt and brokenness. Allow God to begin the process of tearing down those walls and putting the pieces of your heart back together again.

God has placed people in your path to assist Him in this process of healing.  These are people who God has hand picked and anointed to love you, support you, and encourage you in this journey of restoration.  God has given them the discernment to see past the mask and understand the hurt. The only thing that is required on your part is to be open to the love that they so desperately want to lavish upon you.

My prayer is that you will allow God's love in your life from this moment forward. I can testify that God will heal and restore everything that the enemy tried to steal from you, if you will just be open to receive all that He has to give. Remember God wants to rescue you . . . 

"The Lord is close to the brokenhearted; He rescues those whose spirits are crushed" 
Psalm 34:18 NLT

Friday, October 3, 2014

Breakthrough . . .

We all get to points in the journey of life that things seem just a little more difficult than others.  In those times I often reflect on the season which God has me in.  In those times of reflection, I realize that often the difficulties that I'm experiencing are associated with the pressure that is needed to breakthrough to the next level in the journey.

I think the pressure we experience is necessary in our lives to get us to face the reality (sometimes even the hard reality) that things have to and are about to change.  Just reflect for a moment . . . . if it had not been for the pressure you've experienced along the way would you have. . . .

  • Changed Jobs or Career Paths
  • Went Back to School to Pursue that Degree
  • Ended that Relationship
  • Decided to Follow Your Dream Instead of the Money
  • Decided to Begin/Strengthen/Deepen Your Relationship with God
The pressure is necessary to get us to the next step, level, and dimension of the journey that God desires for us.  So when things seem to get tight, uncomfortable, and downright ridiculous, know that you are just on the verge of a breakthrough.  You are on the verge of a moment in your life that will redefine you, reestablish you, and propel you into your destiny.

A lot of things in life are about one's perspective.  Choose the positive perspective in the difficult times.  When you feel the pressure coming on, glorify and worship God for all He has already done and all He is about to break loose in your life. Focus on His ability and not your inability, for with Him you can withstand the pressure that you are experiencing.

God is AMAZING!!! And I'm thankful for the moments in my life where He allowed the outward pressures to push me to greater inner depths with Him.  But I know that in this season . . . . it's time for another BREAKTHROUGH . . .