Sunday, June 30, 2013

The Very First Engagement

What can I say, but truly GOD is amazing!!! The journey that it took to get to the very first engagement for the Rebirth Arts Dance Company (RADC) is nothing short of seeing the hand of God orchestrate everything.  This journey began several years ago upon seeing a dance dress in a costume catalogue and having the thought that I should purchase it for the Company.  At the time, the RADC did not exist.  Years went by and I never purchased the dress and honestly had forgotten about the desire to purchase it.
Earlier this year, God had a very beautiful woman sow this dress into my ministry.  Upon seeing the dress I know immediately that something was up and began to overflow with emotion.  I knew that this was something that God had His hand on and the pieces were slowly falling into place.
A few months went by and I was contacted to minister for a wedding by a dear friend and fellow dance minister.  I was truly honored, prayed for the release to accept the engagement, and confirmed once I had the release from God. 
It wasn't until after ministering at the wedding that the Holy Spirit began to show me how it all came to be. 
  • Years ago . . . I had a desire to purchase a garment for my Company
  • Months ago . . . He had someone sow the garment into my ministry who had no idea about my desire to purchase it years ago.
  • This month . . . The garment became the first that would be worn for the first Rebirth Arts Dance Company engagement.
Not only were the colors of the garment perfect for the occasion, but the colors of the wedding were also the colors of Rebirth Arts (blues and bright green).
As the Holy Spirit began to lay all of this out for me, I could do nothing more than smile, praise God, and know that it was my wink from the Father, letting me know that I was doing exactly what He had called and instructed for me to do.
Here is a little footage from the engagement:

1 comment:

  1. Glory to God! Earlier this week, I heard it said that God always brings people, places, and things together for His glory.
