Monday, November 18, 2013

Every Moment …

It's truly time that we realize that God desires to be involved in every moment of our lives. There is nothing too small for which God is not concerned, when it comes to your life. Know that every joy, pain, disappointment, surprise, heartache, victory, deliverance, healing … God is in the midst of it. There is nothing about your life that takes God by surprise. There is nothing in your life that God didn't first allow. You may ask, why did God allow that heartache or disappointment to come. I would in return reply with a question … Are you still standing? God works everything and I mean everything for our good. If you are honest with yourself, I think you would have to admit that everything that has been a challenge in your life ending up being something that taught you a lesson, helped you to mature, and helped you come to the revelation that God truly designed you to be an overcomer.

So take this as a bit of encouragement … YOU ARE AN OVERCOMER! There is nothing that you cannot withstand when you do it with God by your side. When we face challenges, they should press us in closer to God. By pressing in closer to God, we grow in our faith and our relationships with Him. Don't grow weary, keeping pressing forward in God!

I had the honor of ministering at a 50th birthday celebration for a mighty Woman of God. The song selection was "Every Moment" by Forever Jones. If you have not heard this song, I urge you to look it up and take a few moments to listen to the lyrics. I know that it will be a blessing to you, just as it was to me.  I wanted to share this ministry experience with you, so check out this video.

Be Blessed!!

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Stir Up the Gift . . .

The First Speaking Engagement

We were so truly blessed to be able to participate and facilitate a session at the In The Key of David - One Day Retreat with the theme of "Stir up The Gift" on Saturday - July 13, 2013.  There is no doubt in my mind that the Holy Spirit showed up to speak to the people of God and to show His power.  It was truly a supernatural experience that cannot be put into words.

In preparing for this engagement, I kept seeking God on what He wanted me to say and what He wanted me to teach.  Over a period of time God continued to drop things in my spirit to speak on, but I didn't receive any dance movements or choreography to teach.  As the days grew closer and closer, I kept checking in with God to see if the movement/choreography would come.  As I stood before the group that day I confessed the choreography never came.  So I went forth speaking on the things that the Lord had laid on my heart to share.  The topics included what it means to worship God, the call of the Levite (FYI: a blog post will be coming on this soon), and the things that are hindering us from going to the next level with God in our gifting and ministries.

Here are a few pictures from the event.  Once we have a chance to edit some of the video we will post it to our YouTube channel.


The next day the following questions settled in my spirit . . . .

We often cry out to God saying . . . "Stir up the Gift!".  But what is He really stirring up?  Have we allowed Him to deposit enough of His Spirit and His desires in us that when we are stirred what flows out is more of Him and less of us?

As ministers of the arts (i.e. dance, mime, music, voice, acting, art, etc.) we have to understand that it is critical for us to surrender our gifts and all that we are to God, so that He can develop us into the Men and Women of God that He desires for us to be.  We can no longer afford to hold anything back from God.  We need to make ourselves available for His use, at His direction.

I would challenge anyone that is reading this post, even if you are not a minister of the arts, to take a moment to reflect on those things that the Holy Spirit has been nudging you to do in order to take your walk with God and your ministry to the next level.  Once you've done that, purpose in your heart to accomplish those things, so that your life and your ministry can give God greater glory!

Sunday, June 30, 2013

The Very First Engagement

What can I say, but truly GOD is amazing!!! The journey that it took to get to the very first engagement for the Rebirth Arts Dance Company (RADC) is nothing short of seeing the hand of God orchestrate everything.  This journey began several years ago upon seeing a dance dress in a costume catalogue and having the thought that I should purchase it for the Company.  At the time, the RADC did not exist.  Years went by and I never purchased the dress and honestly had forgotten about the desire to purchase it.
Earlier this year, God had a very beautiful woman sow this dress into my ministry.  Upon seeing the dress I know immediately that something was up and began to overflow with emotion.  I knew that this was something that God had His hand on and the pieces were slowly falling into place.
A few months went by and I was contacted to minister for a wedding by a dear friend and fellow dance minister.  I was truly honored, prayed for the release to accept the engagement, and confirmed once I had the release from God. 
It wasn't until after ministering at the wedding that the Holy Spirit began to show me how it all came to be. 
  • Years ago . . . I had a desire to purchase a garment for my Company
  • Months ago . . . He had someone sow the garment into my ministry who had no idea about my desire to purchase it years ago.
  • This month . . . The garment became the first that would be worn for the first Rebirth Arts Dance Company engagement.
Not only were the colors of the garment perfect for the occasion, but the colors of the wedding were also the colors of Rebirth Arts (blues and bright green).
As the Holy Spirit began to lay all of this out for me, I could do nothing more than smile, praise God, and know that it was my wink from the Father, letting me know that I was doing exactly what He had called and instructed for me to do.
Here is a little footage from the engagement: